Armenian architecture in search of its indigenous form


  • Karen Balyan IAAM; Karen Balyan Architectural and Art Studio



Armenian architecture, academician Tamanyan, national architecture, modernism, Yerevan master plan


After the restoration of independence of Armenia, the process of formation of national statehood started. Academician Tamanyan worked out a master plan for Yerevan that conveyed the national idea and an architectural language based on the synthesis of classical and indigenous forms. Alongside this, the development of avant-garde forms started. The “thaw” period witnessed the emergence of the second Armenian modernism, which was again aimed at the language of contemporary architecture with compositional and spatial principles of Armenian architecture.

How to Cite

Balyan, K. (2020). Armenian architecture in search of its indigenous form. Project Baikal, 17(64), 52–63.





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