Architecture schools and regional practices. Notes of the eyewitness


  • Alexander Kudryavtsev RAACS; IAAM



architecture school, architectural practice of the region, interaction, mutual influence, regional architecture school


The presence of an architecture school is an important indicator of the level of the socio-economic and cultural development of the region. It is a permanent source of highly-qualified specialists – architects and urban planners. It is also a ground for studies of local
problematics in the context of academic professional knowledge, which is a factor of sustainable development. In the natural process of mutual interaction between the achievements of a real practice and an educational institution, a unique regional school of Russian architecture can be created.

How to Cite

Kudryavtsev, A. (2020). Architecture schools and regional practices. Notes of the eyewitness. Project Baikal, 17(64), 32–36.





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