Are “Black Buildings” the City’s Holiday or Daily Grind? Several Issues on Architecture Upgrade


  • Elena Bulgakova RAACS; Moscow Information and Technological University – Moscow Architecture and Construction Institute
  • Nikolai Dubynin AO TsNIIPromzdanii
  • Asmik Klochko National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



architecture, sustainable architecture, viable architecture, architecture science, architectural issues, architectural design, building life cycle


The article considers the issues of contemporary architecture, which have systemic characteristics that affect the architecture as a whole and its determining prospects. The most interesting are the problems of modern architecture related to sustainable development, including such issues as life-cycle planning, the development of architectural science, ensuring comfort, environmental compatibility, and energy efficiency. The search for ways to solve them will clarify the possibilities of the current and future development of architecture, as well as effective methods of applying creative and scientific potential.

How to Cite

Bulgakova, E., Dubynin, N., & Klochko, A. (2020). Are “Black Buildings” the City’s Holiday or Daily Grind? Several Issues on Architecture Upgrade. Project Baikal, 17(63), 155–165.





refereed articles - housing question


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