Implementation and Development Issues of Passive House Technologies in Russia


  • Denis Lysyuk Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Ekaterina Mamchits Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Oleg Fedorov Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



passive house, energy efficiency, energy saving, energy efficient building, autonomic building, alternative energy, ecology


The article reveals issues of development and implementation of passive house technologies in Russia, including sociological, energetical, economical, legislative and urban planning problems, as well as the main obstructing factors. The authors conduct research on the level of alternative energy development in the world and Russia in particular. On this basis, the main directions are formulated for solving problems concerning renewable energy and related new technologies, and, in particular, the concept of autonomic energy efficient house.

How to Cite

Lysyuk, D., Mamchits, E., & Fedorov, O. (2020). Implementation and Development Issues of Passive House Technologies in Russia. Project Baikal, 17(63), 150–154.





refereed articles - housing question


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