Quarter for Celebrations

A Might-Have-Been Amphitheatre and a Universal Staircase





architecture, urban design, history, city holiday, Irkutsk, quarter 130


The project for the regeneration of historical quarter 130 in Irkutsk has attracted the attention of specialists and the general public for many years. The article discusses the ideology of the project from the point of view of creating urban spaces intended for mass holidays. Various aspects of the city celebrations were considered and provided for in the design of the quarter. Not everything was implemented.

How to Cite

Grigoryeva, E., & Lidin, K. (2020). Quarter for Celebrations: A Might-Have-Been Amphitheatre and a Universal Staircase. Project Baikal, 17(63), 62–69. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.63.1600





refereed articles


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