“Authentic Universality” of Celebrations


  • Olga Zheleznyak INRTU; UAR; International Academy of Nature and Society Sciences
  • Mirya Korelina Union of Designers of Russia; INRTU




celebration, traditions, authentic images, identity, image potential


Celebrations as a space integrating traditions and peculiarities of contemporary culture and immerging authentic images and customs in today’s realities is an important part of the existence of a “space”, a territory and a city. The ability of unique and autochronous peculiarities of celebrations to be integrated with universal standards makes it possible to use celebrations as an image system promoting the territory and its identity.

How to Cite

Zheleznyak, O., & Korelina, M. (2020). “Authentic Universality” of Celebrations. Project Baikal, 17(63), 37–42. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.63.1596





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