Celebration as a Design Event in the Urban Environment


  • Petr Kapustin Voronezh State Technical University




city celebration, projectivity and design, “theatricality” in architecture and theatricalization in architecture, utopia, agora, event, everyday life, ritual, the sacred and the profane


A city celebration has been an event welcomed by urban dwellers for a long time, but it also has a more fundamental mission rather than entertainment. We can suppose that this mission is related to the search of possible ways of development of the city and its culture. The article presents a possible approach to restoration of design meanings of a celebration and outlines a strategy for interpretation of the role of architecture in this process.

How to Cite

Kapustin, P. (2020). Celebration as a Design Event in the Urban Environment. Project Baikal, 17(63), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.63.1583





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