Architecture Culture Formation in Turkey

The Role of the Competitions in Transnational Exchanges in the Case of Izmir





transnational exchanges; Turkish modernization; German-speaking architects; port cities; Izmir


Architecture and urban design competitions played an essential role in the formation of the Turkish architecture culture. It contributed in particular to modern architecture in Turkey (1923-1950s). Turkish modern architecture in the modern era emerged especially from a transnational exchange with the German speaking world. The city of Izmir in the early Republican Era 1923-1950s is an exceptional case to investigate impact of the architecture competitions in the further development of the East Mediterranean port city. Exchanges between local and foreign actors within the architecture competitions in a specific geographical context helped reflecting on changing global movements and ideologies in relation to nation-building project approved by the central government in the capital city Ankara that altered architectural and urban developments.

How to Cite

Taniş, F., & van der Hoeven, F. (2019). Architecture Culture Formation in Turkey: The Role of the Competitions in Transnational Exchanges in the Case of Izmir. Project Baikal, 16(61), 162–171.




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