Public Spaces of Small Historic Towns. In Search of the Addressee


  • Anna Gelfond RAACS; Nizhegorodsky State University of Architecture and Construction
  • Mikhail Dutsev RAACS; Nizhegorodsky State University of Architecture and Construction; Scientific Research Institute of the Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning



addressee; public space; small town; historic settlement; potential


One of the solutions to the problem of migration from small towns and historical settlements is to organize public spaces required by different addressees. Public spaces are interpreted as a typological unit of the architectural environment, where natural, historical and social characteristics of certain settlements have a synthetic relationship. The article studies waterfronts, streets, squares and parks of small towns designed for a certain citizen or guest of the city. The article analyses foreign and national design experience, including the projects worked out for the competition “Small Towns and Historic Settlements”.

How to Cite

Gelfond, A., & Dutsev, M. (2019). Public Spaces of Small Historic Towns. In Search of the Addressee. Project Baikal, 16(61), 119–125.




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