

  • Marina Tkacheva
  • Eduard Tovmasyan
  • Yuri Gnedovsky
  • Olga Zheleznyak
  • Sergey Eloyan
  • Tatyana Annenkova
  • Victor Logvinov
  • Anna Grigorieva



XXIV World Congress of Architecture – UIA Tokyo 2011

UIA News

Tuva Architects' Success

Recollection of "Zodchestvo 2011"

"Children Are not People of Tomorrow, but Are People of Today with a Different Scale of Feelings and Experience"

The 30th Anniversary of the Union of Architects of Russia

XX International Review Competition for the Best Graduation Architectural

and Design Projects (Yerevan)

Participation of the Design Department of National Research Irkutsk State Technical University

Participation of Institute of Architecture and Construction of National Research Irkutsk State Technical University

Seven Years and Further on!

Breathe Together!

VI Special Meeting of the National Association of Designers

What is Good for a German… or a Russian-Style SRO

2012. "Katastrofa" Festival. Advertisement

Summer Workshop of Les Ateliers of Urban Planning and Development (Cergy-Pontoise, France)

How to Cite

Tkacheva, M., Tovmasyan, E., Gnedovsky, Y., Zheleznyak, O., Eloyan, S., Annenkova, T., Logvinov, V., & Grigorieva, A. (2012). news. Project Baikal, 9(31), 5–54.





News items

Author Biographies

Marina Tkacheva

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Ass. Professor of the Department of Philosophy at Baikal State University of Economics and Law, member of the Center for Independent Social Research and Education (Irkutsk), member of the Union of Journalists of Russia

Eduard Tovmasyan

head of the department of urban planning for territorial development of the State Central Research and Design Institute of Urban Planning of Russia, adviser of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, honored architect of the Russian Federation (Moscow)

Yuri Gnedovsky

honorary President of the Union of Architects of Russia, people’s architect of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences

Olga Zheleznyak

Professor, Ph.D. in Art History, head of the Department of Design of the Faculty of Fine Arts at National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, member of the Union of Designers of Russia, of the Union of Architects of Russia, full member of the International Academy of Nature and Society Sciences (Department of Art and Industrial Design)

Sergey Eloyan

Ass.Professor of the Department of Architectural Design at Institute of Architecture and Construction of National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, honored artist of Russia

Tatyana Annenkova

editor-in-chief of “StroimVmeste” magazine (Irkutsk)

Victor Logvinov

corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, full member of the International Academy of Architecture, President of the Union of Moscow Architects, honored architect of the Russian Federation, head of the bureau “Architectural Center”