Small and Historic Towns in Zabaikalye: Nerchinsk


  • Nikolai Kradin RAACS; Pacific Ocean State University



Ostrog; wooden fortress; Uspenskaya Church; Butin’s Palace Ensemble; Archangel Michael; shopping arcade; carving; T. D. Maurits’ House; stained-glass window; greenhouse; carriage rows


Basing on his field observations, photofixation and study of archival and literature sources, the author explores the process of formation of historic settlements in the Chita region (now Zabaikalsky Krai). Nerchinsk stands out among other historic towns of Zabaikalye thanks to its history and plenty of historical and architectural monuments, being of interest for historico-architectural science. The author studies the planning and compositional peculiarities of the most significant structures and complexes of the given historical period.

How to Cite

Kradin, N. (2019). Small and Historic Towns in Zabaikalye: Nerchinsk. Project Baikal, 16(61), 80–89.




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