The Issues of Preservation of Architectural Heritage and Creation of Tourist Attraction of a Small Historic Town in Russia


  • Maria Nashchokina RAACS; Russian Academy of Arts; Scientific Research Institute of the Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning,



small historic town; housing estate; natural environment; local industry; traditional agriculture; organic production; handicraft industry; tourism and recreation industry


Preservation of tourist attractiveness of a small historic town in Russia concerns its cultural, social and economic aspects. The article outlines the most important challenges faced by small historic towns in Russia: preservation of local population, search for possibilities to create workplaces and prevent the outflow of employees to big cities; preservation and development of traditional “homestead” style of life; revitalization of organic production in suburban areas; development of agricultural and gastronomy tourism and recreation, as well as local initiatives that can promote and create internationally recognized handicraft industry.

How to Cite

Nashchokina, M. (2019). The Issues of Preservation of Architectural Heritage and Creation of Tourist Attraction of a Small Historic Town in Russia. Project Baikal, 16(61), 50–55.




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