

  • Marina Tkacheva
  • Olga Smirnova
  • Olga Gutsol
  • Alexander Dudnev
  • Anna Grigorieva



UIA News

A Thinking Head and a Nursing Cow

The Regular General Meeting of the Members of the Self-Regulatory Organization Independent

Partnership “The Baikal Association of Architects and Engineers” of March 23

“BukhArt”: the Beginning of the Second Five-Year Period

The VIIth Forum of Architects-Skiers from Siberia and Ural

The Second Landscape Conference in Krasnoyarsk

“Geo-Decor”, so Simple and Unexpected

254 Years and the 20th Anniversary

The Book “Irkutsk Architects” 

Arkhangelsk Museum of Wooden Architecture «Malye Korely»

The Valletta Principles for the Safeguarding and Management of Historic Cities, Towns and Urban Areas

Creative Project in Vologda

The Nomad 2. Circles and Spirals

How to Cite

Tkacheva, M., Smirnova, O., Gutsol, O., Dudnev, A., & Grigorieva, A. (2012). news. Project Baikal, 9(32), 5–37.





News items

Author Biographies

Marina Tkacheva

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Ass. Professor of the Department of Philosophy at Baikal State University of Economics and Law, member of the Center for Independent Social Research and Education (Irkutsk), member of the Union of Journalists of Russia

Olga Smirnova

the chief architect of Semiramida Gardens Landscape Company, member of the Union of Architects of Russia (Krasnoyarsk)

Alexander Dudnev

curator of the Festival “The Days of Architecture in Vologda”