Аrchitecture Parlante or the Time of Simulacra


  • Elena Bagina Institute of Construction of Ural Federal University named after B. N. Yeltsin




Architecture of any epoch reflects the real situation in human society. The surroundings turn today’s tenants of square meters in residential complexes into sensation-seeking consumers. Being a kind of architectural ‘flavour intensifiers’, amusement buildings satisfy their demands for a short time. With their sophisticated form, they look like a bright wrapping. We live in the culture of wrapping that treats content with contempt, in the culture of simulacra. Architects, their clients and those for whom such consumer structures are built fail to realize that they live their only life being surrounded by false things and having false goals. They don’t realize that the time of simulacra has come.

How to Cite

Bagina, E. (2018). Аrchitecture Parlante or the Time of Simulacra. Project Baikal, 15(58), 57–62. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.58.1401




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