The Second in Russia


  • Evgeny Zaitsev Altai Organization of the UAR



Barnaul; Altai; Kolyvano-Voskresensky plant; Demidovsky, Mining (Cabinet), Merchant and Post-War periods; copper-smelting and silver-smelting factories; architecture


The article presents the history of formation and development of Barnaul as a mining city from its foundation to the end of the 19th century. It features the establishment and the evolution of copper-smelting and silver-smelting industries as city-forming factors. The article characterizes the activities of mineralogists, merchants, engineers and architects starting from the 17th century. The biographical details of the most famous people are given. The peculiarities of the city’s culture are featured.

How to Cite

Zaitsev, E. (2018). The Second in Russia. Project Baikal, 15(57), 48–56.







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