Renovation of the Panel House-Building of the 1960-1980s in Germany


  • Mark Meerovich RAACS; INRTU
  • Anastasia Malko Technical University of Dresden
  • Valery Kozlov INRTU
  • Ludmila Kozlova INRTU
  • Ekaterina Gladkova INRTU



panel house-building, Khrushchev’s reform, urban fabric, landscape, public spaces, reconstruction of housing, context and identity, public participation


The article presents the materials and the key conclusions of the research and practice excursion around the three German cities (Berlin, Dresden and Halle) visited by professors and students of the Architectural Faculty of INRTU Institute of Architecture and Construction in 2016. The excursion was financially supported by the Volkswagen Foundation to analyze and summarize the successful German practices in realizing the complex programs on renovation of the territory of mass panel house-building of the 1960-1980s.

How to Cite

Meerovich, M., Malko, A., Kozlov, V., Kozlova, L., & Gladkova, E. (2017). Renovation of the Panel House-Building of the 1960-1980s in Germany. Project Baikal, 14(51), 154–161.







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