Diversification of Open Natural Spaces in Urban Fabrics Requalification of the public housing estate 'La Hêtraie'


  • Christian Horn Rethink - solutions for the built environment
  • Philippe Buisson




Paris metropolitan area, urban development, public housing estate, open spaces, biodiversity, rainwater management, intensification, participation


The public housing estate 'La Hêtraie' was built 40 years ago in the municipality of Limeil-Brévannes in the Paris region. Its open spaces are still marked by their initial design. A design that does not satisfy the today's needs and wishes of the residents. A team of urban planners are now elaborating a new landscape design in relationship with the renovation of five buildings with altogether 209 apartments. The building renovation focuses on the apartments and common spaces, including wheelchair accessibility. The new urban landscape restructures the open spaces with a higher diversity of spaces, strengthens the environmental qualities, includes rainwater management and develops new uses in collaboration with the residents.

How to Cite

Horn, C., & Buisson, P. (2017). Diversification of Open Natural Spaces in Urban Fabrics Requalification of the public housing estate ’La Hêtraie’. Project Baikal, 14(51), 130–135. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.51.1142







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