Local and Regional Elites


  • Alexander Levintov Moscow City University; Moscow School of Management Skolkovo




elite, local and regional elite, society, state, power, meritocracy, policy


The article reviews the history of the notion of elite, its mission and functions, and, first of all, how it forms the reasons for existence. It also features the role of the elite in the relations between the state and the society. Organization of the power is newly characterized as a meritocracy, or a merit-based power system. In the conclusion of the article there are proposals for inclusion of regional and local elites in the processes of regional development and planning.

How to Cite

Levintov, A. (2016). Local and Regional Elites. Project Baikal, 13(47-48), 104–109. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.47-48.1008







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