Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- Этот материал ранее не был опубликован, а также не был представлен для рассмотрения и публикации в другом журнале (или дано объяснение этого в Комментариях для редактора).
- Файл с материалом представлен в формате документа OpenOffice, Microsoft Word или RTF.
- Приведены полные интернет-адреса (URL) для ссылок там, где это возможно.
- Текст набран с одинарным межстрочным интервалом; используется кегль шрифта в 12 пунктов; для выделения используется курсив, а не подчеркивание (за исключением URL-адресов); все иллюстрации, графики и таблицы расположены в соответствующих местах в тексте, а не в конце документа.
- Текст соответствует стилистическим и библиографческим требованиям, описанным в Руководстве для авторов, которое можно найти на странице «О журнале».
News items
News, current events, and recent developments.
Book review
A critical appraisal of a book (often reflecting a reviewer's personal opinion or recommendation) that evaluates such aspects as organization and writing style, possible market appeal, and cultural, political, or literary significance.
Items about an individual
A review of the work(s) of a celebrated person in research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art.
Short articles
A brief review of original education, research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art. The length of contributions in this section is typically one or two pages.
Complete report on orignal education, research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art. An article typically stretching multiple pages.
Articles (before 2013)
Complete report on original research and/or design, typically stretching multiple pages, published before 2013 when peer-review was not yet inplemented.
Short reviews
A renewed study of research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art previously studied, published or built. Includes review articles and surveys of previously published research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art. It may also include written accounts of site visits, study trips or city walks as means to develop an understanding of built architectural and urban design. Reviews come typically without abstact. The length of the short review is typically one or two pages. In the case of an extensive use of images the length can be longer.
A renewed study of research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art previously studied, published or built. Includes review articles and surveys of previously published research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art. It may also include written accounts of site visits, study trips or city walks as means to develop an understanding of built architectural and urban design. Reviews come typically without abstact.
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