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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Этот материал ранее не был опубликован, а также не был представлен для рассмотрения и публикации в другом журнале (или дано объяснение этого в Комментариях для редактора).
  • Файл с материалом представлен в формате документа OpenOffice, Microsoft Word или RTF.
  • Приведены полные интернет-адреса (URL) для ссылок там, где это возможно.
  • Текст набран с одинарным межстрочным интервалом; используется кегль шрифта в 12 пунктов; для выделения используется курсив, а не подчеркивание (за исключением URL-адресов); все иллюстрации, графики и таблицы расположены в соответствующих местах в тексте, а не в конце документа.
  • Текст соответствует стилистическим и библиографческим требованиям, описанным в Руководстве для авторов, которое можно найти на странице «О журнале».

Author Guidelines

  1. The articles provided must be original, not previously published in other printed or electronic publications.
  2. The article shall be submitted in electronic form as a Microsoft Word file (on electronic media or by e-mail) in two versions:
    1. a file with author's data - for publication
    2. a file where all references to the author's name and affiliated organization's name are removed from both text and file properties - to provide a double-blind review.
  3. Settings Technical requirements for text design: TimesNewRoman font, font size - 12, position on the page - width of the text. Text volume - not more than 4000 words.
  4. The first (title) page of the article should contain the following information
    • Title (not more than 55 characters without spaces)
    • Author's name
    • Information about the author - academic degree, position, place of work, city; contacts: phone, e-mail, postal address (to send the magazine to non-residents).
  5. Code UDC and/or GRSTI code and/or EAC code (according to the current nomenclature of special scientists)
  6. Abstract (not more than 600 characters without spaces)
    Structure, content and scope of the author's summary (annotations)
    The author's summary should set out the essential facts of the work and should not exaggerate or contain material that is not in the article.
    The structure of the abstract, which follows the structure of the article and includes an introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusion(s) is welcomed. However, the subject matter, topic and purpose of the work shall be indicated if they are not clear from the title of the article. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the author's summary.
    Superfluous introductory phrases (e.g., "the author of the article considers...") should be avoided. Syntactic constructions typical for the language of scientific and technical documents should be used in the text of the Author's Summary, and complex grammatical constructions should be avoided.
    The text of the author's abstract should be concise and readable, free from secondary information, unnecessary introductory words, general and insignificant formulations. The text should be coherent, the disparate provisions set out should follow logically from one another.
    The length of the text in the author's summary is determined by the content of the publication (volume of information, its scientific value and/or practical significance).
  7. Keywords (5-7 words) - are separated from each other by a semicolon.
  8. Notes (footnotes). Footnotes should be avoided if they can be incorporated either into the text or into the list of references. Only if absolutely necessary, notes are indicated at the bottom of the corresponding page. Notes may contain less important details, additional explanations, but cannot be a substitute for the cited literature.
  9. Tables. Try to avoid using a large number of tables or large tables.
  10. Requirements for illustrations: The illustrations shall be presented in real size. For raster files, the resolution is 300 dpi (CMYK, Grayscale) and 1200 dpi for bitmap. If the illustration is placed on a whole strip, its size should be at least 2717 x 3378 pixels (230 x 286 mm). When scanning photos, you should set the resolution to 600 dpi. Illustrations can be in formats: EPS, TIFF, PSD, JPG, PDF. For graphics (drawings), preferably pdf, eps or ai (illustrator). All fonts should be translated into curves. Color model: CMYK, Grayscale, bitmap. The captions for the illustrations should be given in the text document, not in the file names. If the picture contains text, for example, an explication, it is desirable to send the text as a separate file. If the images are taken from the Internet, and the author wants to indicate the Internet source in the signature, then this source should be short (or only the main site should be indicated, or special services should be used to shorten links). The illustrations should be inserted into a double-blind peer-review file. All materials are sent for publication by one email, including a separate folder with pictures and a separate "picture captions" file, where the pictures are numbered in the same order as they are numbered in the folder with pictures (Fig. 1, 2, etc.).
  11. Those who wish can also make a translation of information about the author, title, annotation, keywords into English.
  12. Literature. The list of literature is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.100-2018:!_ORS/5-PROFESSIONALAM/7_sibid/%D0%93%D0%9E%D0%A1%D0%A2_%D0%A0_7_0_100_2018_1204.pdf.
    In the text the references are numbered in square brackets, the number indicates the source in the literature list, after which the page number is provided: [2, p. 35]. It is recommended to use no more than 14 literature sources in the article. It is prohibited to include any literature that is not referenced in the text into the list of used sources (the number of references must coincide with the number of sources).
    The list of used sources is drawn up in the order of references in the text (not in alphabetical order). Each source is assigned a number corresponding to the number of references to it in the text. It is obligatory to indicate the place, publisher, year of publication, number of pages in the publication and pages to which the reference is made.

    It is necessary to indicate the date of access when citing electronic sources.

    The list of literature in Russian should be fully duplicated in English in a separate block, in alphabetical order, regardless of whether there are foreign sources in it or not. If there are references to foreign publications in the list, they are fully repeated in the list prepared in the Roman alphabet.
    To form the list of literature (all references without exception) in English, one should use one of the accepted foreign bibliographic standards - APA (American Psychological Association).
    The following structure of bibliographic reference is used for Russian-language articles from journals, collections, conferences:
    Authors (transliteration), year, title of the article in transliterated version, translation of the title of the article into English (in square brackets), source name (transliteration), output data with designations in English or only digital.
    Example of a reference to a Russian-language book:
    Treyvish, A.I. (2009). Gorod, raion, strana i mir. Razvitiye Rossii glazami stranoveda [City, Region, Country and the World. The Development of Russia through the Eyes of the Country Studies Specialist]. Moscow: Novyi khronograf.
  13. Transliteration system
Character Translation
й Y
Ъ omitted
Ь omitted

News items

News, current events, and recent developments.

Book review

A critical appraisal of a book (often reflecting a reviewer's personal opinion or recommendation) that evaluates such aspects as organization and writing style, possible market appeal, and cultural, political, or literary significance.

Items about an individual

A review of the work(s) of a celebrated person in research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art.

Short articles

A brief review of original education, research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art. The length of contributions in this section is typically one or two pages.


Complete report on orignal education, research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art. An article typically stretching multiple pages.

Articles (before 2013)

Complete report on original research and/or design, typically stretching multiple pages, published before 2013 when peer-review was not yet inplemented.

Short reviews

A renewed study of research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art previously studied, published or built. Includes review articles and surveys of previously published research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art. It may also include written accounts of site visits, study trips or city walks as means to develop an understanding of built architectural and urban design. Reviews come typically without abstact. The length of the short review is typically one or two pages. In the case of an extensive use of images the length can be longer.


A renewed study of research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art previously studied, published or built. Includes review articles and surveys of previously published research, architecture, urban planning, design and/or art. It may also include written accounts of site visits, study trips or city walks as means to develop an understanding of built architectural and urban design. Reviews come typically without abstact.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.