Editorial material - Редакционный материал
How should we build on the coast of Lake Baikal? Better never to build than to build like we do it at present. Or it would be better if a human being does not interfere in the lake area at all?
This thought occurs more often as it becomes evident that people's presence on the coast does not do any good to Lake Baikal. It was reckless of the tsar to encircle the lake with the railway on the southern side. It was cynical of the «central planning» regime to press it from the north with the second iron hand. Now the oil pipeline is coming closer to Lake Baikal while guaranteeing...
News items - Новостной материал
Spatial arts, including sculpture, exist in the material sphere of culture and model the spatial aspects of the universe by themselves…
Dmitri Budazhabe's sculpture appeared to link the epochs of the old oriental cultures to the modern life. His works are decorative objects and at the same time the rite symbols, which contain deep aspects of the Buddhism.
The sculptures and vessels for incense bravely model the interior space and simultaneously play a leading part in it. They are maid artistically and first of all evoke peaceful feelings. The small steam of the incense smoke,...
On the 10th of August, 2005 in Tartu (the second biggest educational and cultural city in Estonia) Stanislav Nechvolodov's exhibition was opened to show the 5-year cycle of his work, traditional for the author and his admirers. At the opening ceremony Nechvolodov said that the exhibition was the last one and appointed on his 70th anniversary.
The architectural and building society in Irkutsk remembers Stanislav Nechvolodov as an architect working on dwelling and civil buildings in 1960-70s. Below are some extracts from the Estonian press.
«Postimees» newspaper, December 1993....
«SAUMA. Design as Cultural Interface»–this is the name of the exhibition of Finnish design works that took place in the new building of the Embassy of Finland in Washington. Specialists consider it to be the most intriguing collection of the contemporary Finnish design exhibited in Washington since 2001. The Finnish word «sauma» means junction, boundary, and in the colloquial language–a chance to try something new. The «SAUMA» project is 2 years old. It involves innovational individual works.
After its opening in October 2005 in Washington, the exhibition will move to New York and...
Short articles - Краткие статьи
Articles (before 2013) - Статьи
Building, planning, engineering facilities of the inhabited places of Lake Baikal and organization of the recreational areas for tourists, as well as organization of the particularly reserved natural territories should maintain everlastingly untouched the beauty and the cleanness, the natural diversity and the uniqueness of the nature of Lake Baikal, that makes it glorious and attracts tourists and inhabitants so much. Is it possible? And how to combine technical conditions of civilization, to which we have got used so much (energy supply, canalization, asphalt roads, automobile...
Some quotations: «A new disaster has been added to pollution of the unique lake–it is cottage development of the coast». «The trouble is that the projects are realized without even being seen by architectural society. Including the objects on the coast of Lake Baikal. We took Sergey Kiselev to see one of such objects, it was a halfcompleted building. Like other Moscow colleagues he admitted that it was an obviously conceited excess. In general almost every object recently built in Listvyanka represents a burst of excess… What is happening here with architecture and urban planning is...