Editorial material - Редакционный материал
Дерево в Сибири - богом данный строительный материал. Сколько в нем мастерства и народного искусства проявлялось испокон веков. Профессиональные архитекторы тоже питают к нему интерес. Но дерево горит. После очередного пожара 1879 года, когда выгорела большая часть Иркутска, пришлось предпочтение отдавать кирпичу, по крайней мере, на центральных улицах города. Всё же Иркутск пока ёще больше привлекателен своим деревом, нежели успехами в других строительных материалах. Да и не один Иркутск, осмелимся заметить. Несметные лесные богатства не приучают нынешних пользователей...
News items - Новостной материал
Иркутские архитекторы на фестивале и съезде
Итальянский мебельный дизайн в Сибири
Любимая тема художника Шипицына
портрет архитектора
Арэг Саркисович Демирханов
Улыбайтесь - на вас смотрят
Неизвестная провинция становится известной
Остановочные павильоны в городе Иркутске
Short articles - Краткие статьи
To relax the local authorities and to receive the guests of high rank «with no tie» the so-called «Fisherman's House» was built at the source of Angara-river, near Lake Baikal. Vladimir Ivanov, a young architect, was noticed by his skillful performa nee of exclusive orders and became the author of this house. At the time of ferroconcrete boom the proposal to build a wooden guest house turned out to be unexpectedly to the point and was graciously approved. The economic department was entrusted to select the men good for carpenter's work, and the forestry department was entrusted to...
Preservation of historical buildings is a very important town-planning task. Every old building has its own interesting history. It is necessary to preserve the historical building funds, but at the same time to create the present-day housing standard to guarantee the serviceability of houses in the future as well. The half-timbered house in Magdeburg, Germany, can be given as an example of present-day restoration.
Wood, this building material, was firstly used as sculptural plastic. The author decided to use it, on the one hand, because of the difficulties in fixing the round surfaces of outside walls, and on the other hand, it was a real «handwork», which turned the building into the exclusive object. Obviously, the simple decor of the first floor and the great decor of the second floor have a philosophical basis and give a unique silhouette to the building.
While A.Gaudi used in his creations the touch of romanticism and modern to design a «living» house, R. Schteiner realized moral,...
Articles (before 2013) - Статьи
The rural and taiga character of the Siberian constructions on the shore of Lake Baikal could not influence on the style and the look of the road under construction, because it had been fully designed by the capital engineers, first in St. Petersburg and Irkutsk, then directly on the site of the road: in the Maritui and Baikal villages, where the first special design bureaus were organized.
That is why the Lake Baikal Circular Railway is an example of the European construction culture, with its peculiar departmental style worked out by the Ministry of Communications (the socalled...