Художники книги на стыке эпох и стилей
https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.62.1540Ключевые слова:
«красивая книга»; Моррис; Бердсли; БилибинАннотация
Природа явления «красивой книги» в отечественном искусствознании традиционно рассматривается в категориях стиля модерн. При этом невольно происходит оценивание конкретной работы художника с точки зрения полноты реализации стиля, и некоторые важные составляющие явления выпадают из поля зрения исследователя: в этой перспективе они оцениваются как переходные, слабые, размытые проявления стиля. Смена оптики позволяет осознать проблемы, которые уже в наше время встают на пути анализа книжной графики в отечественном искусствоведении.
Библиографические ссылки
Basmanov, A. (1992). Chernyi almaz [Black diamond]. In Berdsdei O. Risunki. Proza. Stihi. Aforizmy. Pis'ma. Vospominaniya i stat'i o Berdslee. [Beardsley O. Drawings. Prose. Poems. Aphorisms. Letters. Memoirs and articles about Beardsley] (pp. 5–10). Moscow: Igra-
tekhnika Publ.
Chaucer, G. (1896). The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Now Newly Imprinted. Ill. by E. Burne-Jones. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press.
Gerchuk, Ju.Ja. (2014). Hudozhestvennaya struktura knigi [The artistic structure of the book]. Moscow: RIP-holding Publ.
Mak-Koll, D. (1900). Obri Berdsli [Aubrey Beardsley]. Mir iskusstva [Mir Iskusstva], vol. 3, no. 11–12.
Malory, T. (1893–1894). Le Morte Darthur. Ill. by O. Beardsley. In 2 vol. London: J.M. Dent & Co.
Rosenfeld, A. (2014). Between East and West: The Search for National Identity in Russian Illustrated Children’s Books, 1800–1917. In R. P. Blakesley and M. Samu (Eds.), From Realism to the Silver Age. New Studies in Russian Artistic Culture (pp. 168 – 188). DeKalb: Northern
Illinois University Press.
Ross, R. (1992). Obri Berdslei [Aubrey Beardsley]. In Berdsdei O. Risunki. Proza. Stihi. Aforizmy. Pis'ma. Vospominaniya i stat'i o Berdslee [Beardsley O. Drawings. Prose. Poems. Aphorisms. Letters. Memoirs and articles about Beardsley] (pp. 227–238). Moscow: Igra-tehnika Publ.
Sarab'yanov, D.V. (1989). Stil' modern. Istoriya. Istoki. Problemy [The Art Nouveau style. History. Origins. Problems]. Moscow: Iskusstvo Publ.
Shestakov, V.P. (2000). Angliiskii aktsent. Angliiskoe iskusstvo i natsional'nyi kharakter [English accent. English art and national character]. Moscow: RGGU Publ.
Skazka ob Ivane-tsareviche, Zhar-ptitse i o Serom volke [The tale of Tsarevich Ivan, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf]. (1901). Ill. by I.A. Bilibin. St. Petersburg: Ekspeditsiya zagotovleniya gosudarstvennykh bumag Publ.
Skoblow, J. (2002). Beyond reading: Kelmscott and the modern. In R. Maxwell (Ed.), The Victorian Illustrated Book (pp. 239–258). Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia.
Sternberger, D. (1976). Panorama des Jugendstils. Ein Dokument Deutscher Kunst 1901–1976. Bd. 1. Darmstadt: Roether.
Verizhnikova, T.F. (2009). Ivan Bilibin [Ivan Bilibin]. St. Petersburg: Avrora Publ.
tekhnika Publ.
Chaucer, G. (1896). The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Now Newly Imprinted. Ill. by E. Burne-Jones. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press.
Gerchuk, Ju.Ja. (2014). Hudozhestvennaya struktura knigi [The artistic structure of the book]. Moscow: RIP-holding Publ.
Mak-Koll, D. (1900). Obri Berdsli [Aubrey Beardsley]. Mir iskusstva [Mir Iskusstva], vol. 3, no. 11–12.
Malory, T. (1893–1894). Le Morte Darthur. Ill. by O. Beardsley. In 2 vol. London: J.M. Dent & Co.
Rosenfeld, A. (2014). Between East and West: The Search for National Identity in Russian Illustrated Children’s Books, 1800–1917. In R. P. Blakesley and M. Samu (Eds.), From Realism to the Silver Age. New Studies in Russian Artistic Culture (pp. 168 – 188). DeKalb: Northern
Illinois University Press.
Ross, R. (1992). Obri Berdslei [Aubrey Beardsley]. In Berdsdei O. Risunki. Proza. Stihi. Aforizmy. Pis'ma. Vospominaniya i stat'i o Berdslee [Beardsley O. Drawings. Prose. Poems. Aphorisms. Letters. Memoirs and articles about Beardsley] (pp. 227–238). Moscow: Igra-tehnika Publ.
Sarab'yanov, D.V. (1989). Stil' modern. Istoriya. Istoki. Problemy [The Art Nouveau style. History. Origins. Problems]. Moscow: Iskusstvo Publ.
Shestakov, V.P. (2000). Angliiskii aktsent. Angliiskoe iskusstvo i natsional'nyi kharakter [English accent. English art and national character]. Moscow: RGGU Publ.
Skazka ob Ivane-tsareviche, Zhar-ptitse i o Serom volke [The tale of Tsarevich Ivan, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf]. (1901). Ill. by I.A. Bilibin. St. Petersburg: Ekspeditsiya zagotovleniya gosudarstvennykh bumag Publ.
Skoblow, J. (2002). Beyond reading: Kelmscott and the modern. In R. Maxwell (Ed.), The Victorian Illustrated Book (pp. 239–258). Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia.
Sternberger, D. (1976). Panorama des Jugendstils. Ein Dokument Deutscher Kunst 1901–1976. Bd. 1. Darmstadt: Roether.
Verizhnikova, T.F. (2009). Ivan Bilibin [Ivan Bilibin]. St. Petersburg: Avrora Publ.