High-rises: accessibility, health, security and architecture


  • Tatyana Bobkova Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A. I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia
  • Elena Bulgakova MITU-MACI
  • Nikolai Dubynin MITU-MACI
  • Vera Konovalova National Association “Accessible Urban Environment”




high-rise buildings and complexes, multifunctional buildings and complexes, accessibility for people with limited mobility (PLM), architectural and planning concepts, health of people with limited mobility, security of high-rise buildings


High-rise buildings and complexes, especially multifunctional ones, have been included in the urban environment for a long time. More and more urban functions (residential, public and even production) are provided by them. As the proportion of their areas in the urban development grows, the issue of their accessibility for people with limited mobility (PLM) becomes more urgent. It depends on the specific characteristics of the architectural and planning concepts and utility systems. It is necessary to investigate the problem of the restrictions concerning the usage of high-rise development and its conditions.

How to Cite

Bobkova, T., Bulgakova, E., Dubynin, N., & Konovalova, V. (2021). High-rises: accessibility, health, security and architecture. Project Baikal, 18(67), 88–97. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.67.1760





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